vlc people

VLC People

Message from CEO

Throughout the past years, our dedicated and passionate team, have been handling from tiny pouch to giant package; safely and timely delivering to many destinations. I am really proud of it. 
I am especially proud to arrange logistics and transportation for power plant projects such as Nhon Trach, Vinh Tan, contributing to generating energy for developing Vietnam; as well as airport development projects such as Tan Son Nhat, Cat Bi airports, contributing to building-up connection between Vietnam and the world. 
We are inspired and excited by the speed of change across the globe at this present time and Vantage Logistics are continuously improving to provide an effective outcome that contributes to your success." 

Board of Directors

  • philip diep


    Chairman - Logistics Expert – Consulting, Solutions, Investment, Execution


    "I was born to serve."

    As a Founder & CEO of Vantage Logistics Corperation, Philip is responsible for leading the development and execution of Vantage long term strategy with a view to creating value for company and clients. He is a dedicated and conscientious person who is always looking for new logistics ideas and solutions outside of the box in order to bring benefits to his own clients and partners.
  • florence lam


    Vice Chairman - Logistics Specialist – Consulting, Solutions, Investment, Execution

    "If there is any problem, it must be solved at client's top priorities."

    As president of Vantage Logistics Corp., Florence leads the whole company to provide logistics services, especially for over-sized and over-weighted equipment. She has more than 20 years of experience in global logistics. Her deep understanding of the markets and client needs helps VLC deliver satisfying services to all its clients.


  • harry phan


    Vice Chairman - Logistics Specialist – Consulting, Business Networking, Policy Advocacy


    "I love my job, that is where the energy comes from."

    As one of co-founders and global project development president of Vantage Logistics Corp., Harry is the pioneer who leads the talented and knowledgeable team, absolutely dedicated to customer serivce and offering global transportation solutions. He is a strong process and result minded individual. His knowledge and expertise in this industry make VLC a reliable partner to every client.

  • cindy nguyen


    President - Global Business Development


    "There must be a solution for every trouble."

    Cindy has been with Vantage Logistics since its inception in December 2002. Her responsibilities include roles in business development, ocean procurement, operational management and strategic development. With nearly 22 years in the transportation industry, she has extensive experiences in all aspects of this area.

Executive Leadership Team

  • kathy truong


    Project Delegation Director


    "Nothing is impossible."

    For more than 20 years with Vantage Logistics, Kathy has been the lead pioneer of the Project Department for implementing all logistics projects safe, smooth and economical, even the toughest of customers. She is constantly updating new regulations and knowledge in the industry and training for other members of the company, providing guidance and support to members in accomplishing their assigned tasks.

  • helen tran


    Chief Accountant

    "Success is a journey, not a destination. "

    As the chief accountant of the company, in charge receipts and payments of various services, managing and balancing costs as well as turnover with the accounting regulations in Vietnam is still a lot of reversible error. However, with enthusiasm, responsibility and professionalism, Helen has always done well, supporting other ministries so that everyone can achieve the highest results in their work, as well as always updated information to help VLC always operate in accordance with the law.
  • suri tran


    Cusbrok Manager


    "Everything happens for a reason."

    Suri is not a talkative person, even a bit timid sometimes, but she always has an enthusiastic with optimistic thinking in working. To Suri, pressure will make her try harder to serve customer better. Having been with Vantage for over 15 years, she always tries her best for the most of her service to customers with her sincerity, belief and the right attitude. She conceives that the biggest profit in business is customer satisfaction.